Windows Based Software Development This is the core of our business. We have been developing software specifically for the shared user logistics market for over 20 years. This has resulted in SWIFT - a mature and refined suite of software products which comprise all the features identified as important to the industry. But we are never complacent. Further refinements and feature additions are on-going. As both the logistics and I.T. industries move forwards, so we continue to develop SWIFT to keep in line with current business practices and technologies. Version upgrades are made available periodically and installed by ourselves via a remote connection. To ensure that SWIFT products are installed as smoothly as possible, we provide on-site expertise during the installation period. The scope of the support is decided by you. We can offer advice on hardware, operating system and database installation and set-up in addition to SWIFT related set-up if required. Use of our data translation service may also be helpful in quickly and accurately setting up large amounts of master file information. Our highly trained staff are available to answer all operator queries. All in-coming calls are logged within our help desk database and can be prioritised as needed. This means that the progress of your calls can be constantly monitored and are never overlooked. Various levels of cover can be provided depending on your business requirements, from 9 to 5 basic support through to a full 24 hour, 365 days a year service. Ever changing market forces within the logistics and I.T. industries require complex business solutions. We pride ourselves on being in the strong position of having decades of experience across both industries. This experience provides us with the knowledge to offer successful solutions to complex problems. If you require a solution to a business problem, then why not use our business analysis skills and technical know-how to determine the best solution for your needs. Our consultants will offer you their best solution, whether it entails developing a solution in-house, recommending a 3rd party product or possibly linking two systems together. The administration of shared user logistics companies is complex. With the increased focus on CRM, meeting all your customers diverse needs is not always possible via an off-the-shelf package. That is why we offer a software tailoring service. If our standard products are not exactly what you need, we can analyse, design and develop modifications to give you and your customers the solution you require. Comprehensive training is provided following the installation of our products. Further standard or refresher courses are available on-site or at our offices by request. As your suppliers, customers or even your customers' customers increasingly rely on data stored in various computer systems, there will follow a similar increase in the opportunity for you to exchange this data electronically with them. SWIFT provides standard EDI interfaces for capture of order and related master file information and for output of accounting information to a 3rd party accounts system. In addition to dealing with the industry standard formats such as Tradanet and EDIFACT, we also provide bespoke formats when required such as specific interfaces between other TMS/WMS packages. Whether you require data imported into SWIFT from another system or exported out, we can offer a procedure to meet your needs. Data import facilities can be especially useful during implementation and can significantly reduce set-up time and the chance of data input errors.